To provide our hugely valued Physiotherapy, Exercise and Sporting attendees with the best possible service…
…we’re delighted to announce we’re incorporating world-leading “Full Body Assessment” Technology into our practice.
Used extensively in the @PremierLeague, @NFL, @NBA, @PGAtour and @MLB…
…@OutputSports’ gold standard system is capable of instantly evaluating your:
+ Strength
+ Power
+ Speed
+ Endurance
+ Balance
+ Mobility
+ Flexibility and
+ Stability (amongst much, much more!) with unsurpassed accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Capable of unveiling over 200 different metrics that are 100% specific to you...
...the groundbreaking platform (which combines leading-edge sensor technology with powerful data analysis tools) possesses the power to help our patients / athletic attendees to:
+ Truly understand their current physical capabilities / musculoskeletal health
+ Undertake completely personalised rehab / training programmes (that meet their specific needs and goals)
+ See exactly how they’re progressing
+ Recover / make gains faster
+ Attain superior outcomes
+ Avoid injury
+ Avoid overtraining
+ Increase overall motivation
+ Improve their overall athletic ability
+ Empower them to reach their full potential
We can't wait to start using it, to be honest!